
Thursday, November 04, 2004


To Zogby: You can keep your day job. Oh? That is your day job? Hmmm.

To Arctic Mooses, Caribou and other assorted wildlife: Run like hell. Canada is due east.

To Joe Trippi: Blogger buzz doesn't equal blogger power. From Dr. Dean to unseating Jim "Screwball" Bunning, something went awry.

To Howard Stern: There's a big boogeyman outside (Michael something, I believe he said his name was) who wants to see you about something. Says to bring your wallet.

To All the New Young Voters Who Didn't, Appparently, Have the Time to Make It To the Polls: What are you doing the next few summers? Hows' about 2 years in Iraq, or maybe Iran? Got the time for that?

To Pushy Gays & Uppity Negroes: Canada is due north. Watch out for the mooses.

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