
Thursday, August 26, 2004


How bad can the situation be in Iraq when CBS news breathlessly reports the arrival of The Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf as a good thing. He will calm down al-Sadr. He will defuse the mess.

It was as if Ganhdi himself were coming back.

For the war in Iraq. Against the war in Iraq. Who would have predicted that it would come to this? (Well, actually, anyone with half a brain could have forseen big problems, but this is a little much.)

Maybe I have a long memory, but I usually don't associate the title Ayatollah with good things for the U.S.

Now, about five hours after the initial reports, The New York Times reports renewed violence with 40 dead and over 100 injured as the Ayatollah enters Najaf.

What a surprise.

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